Hair care: the mistakes you should definitely avoid

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Hair care: the mistakes you should definitely avoid

Autumn arrives and hair looks dull and weakened. How can we take care of our hair? In this article, you will find all the mistakes to avoid in order not to ruin your hair!

Autumn is the season of great changes not only in our looks but also in our bodies. The hair is duller and weaker and, not surprisingly, we worry a lot about their health, especially during periods of hair loss. Losing your hair at certain times of the year is completely normal. However, we can take care of our hair, avoiding making mistakes that, naively, we often make in our daily lives. What are the mistakes to avoid in order not to damage the hair? We have tried to summarize them below!

Before washing

Before carrying out our daily washing, each of us follows a precise routine. Yet, unintentionally, we could make small mistakes which, in the long run, can affect the health of our scalp. One of the first mistakes we make is not combing our hair before shampooing. Combing the hair does a lot of good, as it stimulates the microcirculation of the scalp to give nourishment, strength, and subsequent brightness to the hair. In addition, we often tend to brush them wet, because it’s easier, but this is a solution that should be avoided. In fact, wet hair is more fragile and, by combing it, we could risk breaking it or weakening it further. Better to comb before washing, thus removing the knots!

Aggressive products and quantity of washes

Let’s face it: hair doesn’t get dirty as easily as we think. Except in cases of certain problems such as for example, greasy hair. One of the mistakes we make most often is washing our hair too frequently. There are people who even admit to washing them every day! Subjecting the hair to the continuous stress of washing and drying will only make it weaker and dull. In addition, frequent washing will put the sebaceous glands under stress, with the result of greasier hair, because it is continuously stressed. Even the choice of products must be done with care. Each hair has its own needs and it is important to avoid applying too aggressive products. Pay attention to the INCI and the label!

Post washing

As we wrote above, we must avoid stressing the hair with continuous brushing after washing. Wet hair is more fragile and must therefore be treated with greater care. Another mistake we make when the hair is still wet is to vigorously use a towel on the hair to dry it faster. The movement we perform, that of rubbing the hair vigorously, does nothing but break it and make it dull and opaque, increasing the annoying frizz effect. To remedy the problem, it is better to use a microfiber towel, suitable for removing frizz and dab the hair gently, performing slow and delicate movements.

Drying – beware of heat!

Drying is an important moment for the health of our hair. If done inappropriately, it can create deep and visible damage! First of all, you need to towel dry your hair well, avoiding using drying tools on dripping hair and therefore even more subject to thermal shock from heat. After that, it is important to use a good hair dryer, without using the maximum heat or the jet at maximum speed. Hair should be dried slowly, giving it time to adjust to the new temperature. The use of thermal sprays is useful to protect the hair from the excessive heat of the hair dryer or straightener.

Avoid cutting

Another mistake, dictated above all by a commonplace, is to avoid cutting your hair, thinking that in this way it will be able to grow faster. To stay in shape, the hair needs to be cut, arranged, and deprived of the natural split ends that continuous growth entails. Depriving yourself of the cut will not do your hair any good, on the contrary!

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