How to Reduce Cellulite Naturally

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How to Reduce Cellulite Naturally

You can limit the orange peel appearance of the skin by applying simple natural remedies and with limited contraindications.

1. Cellulite and its causes

The cellulite is really common, and virtually all women suffer from it.

This imperfection is so common, but also very hated, and it is for this reason that many women look for remedies thanks to which to cancel its presence. The causes of cellulite are really many, starting from genetics : many women do not suffer from it and will never suffer from it, even when they gain weight.

In addition, other causes are constituted by a diet that is too high in fat and sodium , dehydration and even problems related to circulation. Finally, even the intake of synthetic hormones, as in the case of the classic pill , can determine the appearance of cellulite.

Cellulite can often never be completely eliminated, but there are some remedies that can be used to reduce and control it.

2. The kola nut

The kola nut is used for the production of the related drink. In fact, its extracts are caffeine-free, and can be used to increase the diuretic power of the water itself.

You can have an extract prepared by the herbalist to be taken by mouth, either dissolved in water or in the form of a dry extract to be taken in the form of pills.

3. Green coffee

Even the ‘ green coffee extract is known for its diuretic properties and also can reduce appetite and boost metabolism.

Also in this case you can request green coffee from your herbalist, while you can freely find on the market the sachets to prepare green coffee safely at home. There is no need to exaggerate given its caffeine content.

4. Grapefruit essential oil

You can also prepare an oil or cream at home to help reduce cellulite in a natural way. Simply mix three or four drops of grapefruit essential oil with a couple of tablespoons of carrier oil or neutral cream.

This mixture will be used to massage the areas that have the presence of cellulite. Grapefruit oil, in fact, has anti-inflammatory properties and is therefore able to reduce cellulite.

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